The Right-Size Rug

Rugs can serve a home in many delightful ways. Not only do these woven beauties keep our floors warm during winter, they also serve to section off areas of a room or frame a space by including all the relevant pieces of furniture within its borders. While the level of coziness rises when rugs are placed and used correctly, there are some rug faux pas to avoid. When it comes to choosing area rugs for your home, here are some important guidelines to keep in mind:

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Furniture frame

Extend a rug under all the key pieces of furniture in a room. In the living room, for instance, the main area rug should be able to fit all the furniture. If that isn’t possible, you can leave the front legs of major upholstered pieces within the rug area and keep the back legs off. In the dining room, the rug should be large enough for the table and chairs, even when they're pulled away from the table. Finally, in bedrooms, the rug should be large enough to extend around 45 cm from each side of the bed.

Size matters

The most common rug-related mistake made: skimping on size. If your rug is too small, it will throw off the entire atmosphere of a room and distort its look. Before making a selection, take measurements of the room in question to ensure your chosen rug can be placed there.

Breathing room

Leave the same amount of space on each side of the rug so that it is properly centered in the room. If that isn’t possible, try to create some symmetry with the way the rug is centered by mirroring the space at opposite sides of the rug, instead of all four sides.

Full coverage

Cover high-traffic areas by fully covering them with your area rug. When people are walking through, they should have both feet on the rug, otherwise it could cause trips and accidents, and could create unwanted wear and tear on your rugs.

Remember, what is most important is that you like the rug you select and that you feel it complements your home!